Start now!
The most straightforward, intriguing and generous reward programme in the world.
Please note: The Mr. Pams Reward Programme™ is totally optional. You do not have to participate in it all. If you want, you can simply use Mr. Pams for your cleaning needs and not introduce or share Mr. Pams with anyone.
If you are happy with Mr. Pams products, then let your friends and family discover Mr. Pams too! Word-of-mouth is what Mr. Pams is based on.
Our reward programme, specially designed by Robert, was created to help families across America by providing them with extra income every month. Not only do all our customers enjoy an environmentally safe, superb quality Swiss product, they can also enjoy extra income for their families.

After you have ordered your first kit, you will be emailed your own Mr. Pams Invite Link™ which will let your friends and family enjoy our Word-of-Mouth 10% discount on their first order from Mr. Pams.
Every time a bottle of Mr. Pams is purchased by your contacts, we will gift you a lifetime benefit of 5 dollars per bottle. we at Mr. Pams happily share our success with all our customers.
As an example:
if 300 bottles are purchased among all your contacts (Word-of-Mouth discount) in a month, we will gift you 1500 dollars ($5 per bottle) for that month. we do this for you on every purchase, every month — for life. there is no limit on the income you can enjoy from Mr. Pams!
Here is another example:
- Jennifer, a dentist, comes to the website of Mr. Pams and orders a kit at full price (unless she came via a Word-of-Mouth discount link sent by an existing customer, then she gets 10% off on her first order only).
- Automatically, Jennifer gets emailed a Word-of-Mouth discount link (WoM) for 10% off for anyone she shares her WoM link with. Everyone gets their own WoM link, unique to them, after their 1st order at Mr. Pams. It is totally optional if they want to share their WoM link with friends, family, contacts so those people can get 10% off on their first order.
- Jennifer loves Mr. Pams and sends her WoM link (via email) to a friend named Madison after telling Madison how amazing Mr. Pams cleans.
- Madison clicks on the WoM link sent by Jennifer and goes to the website, she now will get 10% off on her 1st order for any kit. Automatically, Madison too gets her own WoM link to give anyone she chooses for 10% off on their 1st order.
- And now every time Madison orders Mr. Pams cleaning concentrate bottles, $5 per bottle will be paid to Jennifer via Paypal — for life.
For life means as long as Mr. Pams is operating in business in the USA. A person does not have to do re-orders by clicking on the same WoM link every time. After the 1st order via the WoM link, our website will recognize the customer and whose WoM link was used to register even if he/she orders by going directly to the website because he/she had to register to place their first order.
Over the years, Jennifer has just casually shared her WoM link (via email only) with people she came across in life and work…when the talk of cleaning came up. Jennifer started with just 1 person who used Jennifer’s WoM link, this 1 person was Madison. But now, 5 years later, 1,000 people have made their first order of Mr. Pams via Jennifer’s unique WoM link. These 1,000 people average an order of 1 time a month. There are at least 2 bottles in an order hence 2,000 bottles are being ordered per month and Mr. Pams sends $10,000 every month to Jennifer via PayPal.
Jennifer holds no inventory and has not even talked to these 1,000 people for years, but because they placed their 1st order via the WoM link belonging to Jennifer to get 10% off on their 1st order, she is being paid $5 per bottle (bought by these 1,000) by Mr. Pams…for life. Jennifer is very happy with the extra income and now takes less patients because she and her family are always on vacation in Florida!
Jennifer does not do any person-to-person selling (face to face), she just shares her WoM link with people to give them 10% off on their 1st order. Jennifer shares her WoM link by emailing it to people she has told about how great Mr. Pams is in cleaning her home and business.
An added benefit:
You have unlimited access to your Mr. Pams account, where you can track the income you receive each month from Mr. Pams, and you can monitor the purchases made by all your contacts.
Business owners and organizations can benefit greatly from The Mr. Pams rewards programm™.
Here’s how:
As a business owner, you can introduce your employees and/or customers to Mr. Pams for their cleaning needs. We will gift you $5 for every bottle of Mr. Pams sold. Your business will bring in extra revenue every month from Mr. Pams.
As an organization that depends on donations, you need funds to arrange food and/or medical care for families in need. Your organization can simply introduce your donors to Mr. Pams for cleaning their homes and/or businesses…something they already do (cleaning never stops). We will gift you $5 for every bottle of Mr. Pams sold. Your organization will receive a steady stream of funding every month from Mr. Pams. This will allow your organization to help people with peace of mind knowing funds come in on a monthly basis.